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I am an aspiring filmmaker and animator, currently working on my honors thesis after graduating with a Bachelor of Creative Media Production at Massey University. I’m very passionate about telling stories and have really no qualms about embarrassing myself to get a laugh out of someone. I’m constantly pushing myself to take risks and try out new experiences so that I can eventually get something (hopefully a film and not PTSD) out of it.

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My Story

My name is Sebastina Paustin. I recently graduated from Massey University with a Bachelors of Creative Media Production with Honors.

A little bit about me is that I like film and animation and can’t seem to pick between the two. I like to draw and write, which is why I’m often drawn to storyboarding, and I am also interested in cinematography, lighting, or any kind of job that is on set. While I love to direct, I am quite shy and too used to being the rat-writer in the dark bedroom with nothing but the computer screen light to keep me company. However, every so often I get the chance to direct my own scripts and I really do love it. I don’t know if that’s just the narcissism talking, though.

In my free time, I like to do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. My more useless interests include making powerpoint presentations no one will ever see and papier mache projects no one will ever like, as well as dreaming about living in the mountains with a goat that screams when I do. I also bake bread but, after the lockdown, who doesn’t? 

During my  Honors year, I focused on innovating a new process to improve the way in which children’s media content is produced. My research problem explores the idea that hard and fast regulations put on media written for children restrict the kind of stories that can be told to them. I believe that, because children mature in different ways, they also need to be challenged in different ways. 

In the place of these hard and fast regulations, I created The Tiny Eyes project,  where still-developing children’s content is reviewed and distributed on a case-by-case basis allowing each story to be altered to become safe for children’s consumption, and appealing and engaging as well. I tested my creative work during its pre-production process with 5 adults who work closely with children which included counselors, teachers, and parents. 

The creative work that I put through this process was The Last Chance Hotel, an animated Black-Comedy and Fantasy mini-series. The story follows two concierges who work at a hotel for ghosts. They must figure out what is keeping the ghosts in the physical plane and help them “pass on” to the afterlife. 


Everyone says Christchurch is for the adventurers, so that's where I'm based now! I building up to getting a dog who will, hopefully, take to the name "Dogatha Christie" and will solve mysteries with me. 


Thanks for reading!





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